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Safeguarding Newsletter Feb 2024

Every half term we will bring you information from our Safeguarding team.

Welcome to February's Safeguarding newsletter for parents

We believe it is important that everybody understands their safeguarding responsibilities. We want you to stay up to date with what we do and find out how we take care of your children, because they are at the heart of everything we do here at Southfield.

If you have any questions after reading this newsletter, please do contact any of the safeguarding team.

This month we are looking at:

  • What is ‘Safeguarding’?
  • What do we do at Southfield to keep your children safe?

We’ll also introduce you to the safeguarding team.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, every day.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is an action taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. This includes:

  • protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
  • preventing harm to children’s health or development
  • ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

What do we do at Southfield to keep your children safe?

Our first priority to keep your child safe is to make sure all staff are up to date and trained. We do this by having a compulsory annual safeguarding training for all staff, we follow this up by having safeguarding updates every term to keep staff up to date with any changes. To make sure staff understand what we are training, we ask them to complete a quiz to monitor their level of awareness. We also have safeguarding information displayed around the school to remind staff , and our policies are available on the website.

Every member of staff at Southfield are fully enhanced DBS checked and also go through rigorous checks to ensure they are suited to work within a school environment. Every staff member is trained on how to use CPOMS, our recording system for any incidents students may have during their day at school. The safeguarding team/Pastoral Welfare Leaders scrutinise these incidents every day and act upon them as needed. This may require phone calls home.

We are committed to working with all our parents and students, actively promoting and safeguarding the welfare of all our students.

If you want to report a concern or suspect a child is in danger or being abused, or have any safeguarding queries please do not hesitate to contact any member of the safeguarding team on 01274 779662 and ask for Southfield Safeguarding Team. They are there to work with you and not against you.

If you feel a child is in immediate danger call 999.


Our Safeguarding Team


Dan Foster

Deputy Headteacher Behaviour & Safeguarding; DSL


Taslim Afzal

Director of Care and Wellbeing and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Katie Street

Pastoral Welfare Lead & Deputy DSL

Gemma Leslie

Pastoral Welfare Lead & Deputy DSL

Karen Day

Pastoral Welfare Lead & Deputy DSL

Useful information/Resources

Financial Help & legal Advice

Girlington Community Centre;

Mental Health

Sharing Voices Bradford;

Support for Families/Carers

Carers UK

Family Action Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Services - Family Action



Next edition

We will introduce our Care Team and our School Nurses.