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KS5 - Health & Wellbeing

Year 12

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know how to recognise when they are being pressured or bullied into doing something that they do not want to, even when a ‘friend’ requests this.
  • Students will know how body image and self-esteem can be negatively impacted by others and the strategies to minimise the impact of this.
  • Students will know the different exercises and fitness activities available, what they enjoy and how to challenge mobility and gender stereotypes.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt what a healthy lifestyle is and how to achieve this including the importance of sleep, and how sleep plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy life. They have learnt about how outside influences can affect their decisions and how to minimise the risks of these pressures, including pressures online, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This knowledge and understanding has enabled the students to be ready to learn about managing pressure and how to deal effectively with peer pressure and behaviour they feel is unacceptable.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what peer pressure and peer influence is and how this can happen in person and online. They will learn what the word ‘gang’ means and how this is different from a friendship group. They will recognise when they are being pressured or bullied into doing something that they do not want to, even when a ‘friend’ requests this. They will learn what behaviours are acceptable to them and what is not acceptable and how to articulate this effectively to peers. They will learn how to respond effectively to others when they are feeling pressured or see behaviour that they feel is unacceptable, including calling out others who are bullying or informing trusted adults about the situation.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt about peer pressure and peer influence and how this can happen in person and online. They have learnt the difference between a gang and a friendship group and the strategies to use when they are being pressured or bullied into doing something that they do not want to, even when a ‘friend’ requests this.
They have learnt how to effectively articulate - what behaviours are acceptable to them, what is not acceptable, when they are feeling pressured or see behaviour that they feel is unacceptable. This enables the students to be ready to learn about their body image and how others, including friends, can impact on their self-esteem both positively and negatively.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about how teenagers are portrayed in the media and how this can impact on how they think and feel about themselves. They will learn how not everything they see is ‘real’ and how images and lifestyles can be enhanced by others online and in person. Students will learn how body image and self-esteem can be negatively impacted by others and the strategies to minimise the impact of this. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about how exercise and fitness can have both physical and mental health benefits.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt how teenagers are portrayed in the media and how this can impact on how they think and feel about themselves. They know that not everything they see is ‘real’ and how images and lifestyles can be enhanced by others online and in person. Students have learnt how body image and self-esteem can be negatively impacted by others and the strategies to minimise the impact of this. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about how exercise and fitness can have both physical and mental health benefits.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn how physical exercise benefits them and the consequences of inactivity on both their physical and mental well-being. They will learn about the different exercises and fitness activities available, what they enjoy and how to challenge mobility and gender stereotypes. They will learn how regular exercise is key and how to keep themselves motivated to carry this out. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about their own mental health and what they can do to keep themselves emotionally healthy.

Year 13

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know how everyone has mental health issues and this should be talked about and not stigmatised.
  • Students will know how socially acceptable drug use - alcohol, tobacco, has risks and how to resist using/taking these when others around are.
  • Students will know which service to use for the different emergencies and how to articulate the help required.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt how physical exercise benefits them and the consequences of inactivity on both their physical and mental well being. They now know the different exercises and fitness activities available, what they enjoy and how to challenge mobility and gender stereotypes. They have learnt how regular exercise is key and how to keep themselves motivated to carry this out. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about their own mental health and what they can do to keep themselves emotionally healthy.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what they enjoy and what they can do to keep themselves happy. They will learn what emotional wellbeing is and how to cope when their emotional wellbeing is not in a good place. They will learn how to recognise in themselves and others when emotional wellbeing is being negatively impacted by pressures both internal and external and how to support themselves and others. They will learn how everyone has mental health issues and this should be talked about and not stigmatised. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about how pressures can lead to drug use and the impact of this on physical and emotional wellbeing.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt what emotional wellbeing is, how to keep themselves happy and how to cope when their emotional wellbeing is not in a good place. They have learnt to recognise in themselves and others when emotional wellbeing is being negatively impacted by pressures both internal and external and how to support themselves and others. They have learnt how everyone has mental health issues and this should be talked about and not stigmatised. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about how pressures can lead to drug use and the impact of this on physical and emotional wellbeing.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn that they have the right to say ‘no’ in all situations, especially around friends. They will learn how socially acceptable drug use - alcohol, tobacco, has risks and how to resist using/taking these when others around are. Students will learn how drug use can lead to addiction and the impact of this on their physical and mental wellbeing and the impact of it on the people around them. Students will learn where to go for help and support for themselves and others when drug misuse or addiction is impacting on their life. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about the emergency services available to them and how to cope in an emergency situation.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt that they have the right to say ‘no’ in all situations, especially around friends. They have learnt how socially acceptable drug use - alcohol, tobacco, has risks and how to resist using/taking these when others around are. Students have learnt how drug use can lead to addiction and the impact of this on their physical and mental wellbeing, the impact of it on the people around them and where to go for help and support. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about the emergency services available to them and how to cope in an emergency situation.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what an emergency is and how to get help in an emergency situation. They will learn which service to use for the different emergencies and how to articulate the help required. The students will learn how to recognise health emergencies and when a defibrillator may be needed. They will learn how to cope in an emergency and how to support others including knowing basic first aid including putting others into the recovery position. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about what they are good at and their strengths and skills.

Year 14

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know what they are good at and recognise other people’s opinions of them can
    have both a positive and negative impact on how they feel about themselves and their abilities.
  • Students will know the difference between a risk and a danger and how to assess the risk before carrying out an activity.
  • Students will know what is important for physical health and how what they do now can impact their bodies  in later life.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt what an emergency is, how to get help in an emergency situation and which service to use for the different emergencies. The students have learnt how to recognise health emergencies and when a defibrillator may be needed. They have learnt how to cope in an emergency and how to support others including knowing basic first aid including putting others into the recovery position. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about what they are good at and their strengths and skills.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what they are good at and their personal strengths. They will learn how other people’s opinions of them can have both a positive and negative impact on how they feel about themselves and their abilities. They will learn how to recognise the impact of social media on how people feel about themselves both positively and negatively. They will learn how to minimise the impact of negative comments on themselves both in person and online. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about personal safety and taking risks.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt what they are good at and their personal strengths. They know how other people’s opinions of them can have both a positive and negative impact on how they feel about themselves and their abilities. They have learnt how to recognise the impact of social media on how people feel about themselves both positively and negatively and how to minimise the impact of these comments. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about personal safety and taking risks.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what personal safety is and how to keep themselves safe in all situations including out in the community and online. Students will learn the difference between a risk and a danger and know how to assess the risk before carrying out an activity. Students will learn how to take risks in a safe and positive way. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about how to keep themselves physically well and look after their bodies.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt what personal safety is and how to keep themselves safe in all situations including out in the community and online. Students have learnt the difference between a risk and a danger, how to assess the risk before carrying out an activity and how to take risks in a safe and positive way. This has enabled the students to be ready to learn about how to keep themselves physically well and look after their bodies.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what is important for physical health. They will learn how what they do now can impact their bodies in later life and consequences of and benefits of food and exercise. Students will learn how to recognise when their physical health is not at its best and be able to self-examine their own bodies. Students will learn how to get the appropriate help they require and understand that not all information is valid - 'google doctor'. This learning will enable the students to understand how to have a healthy and happy life in adulthood and know where to get the help and support they may need.