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Keeping Children Safe Against Radicalisation and Extremism

Our school is built on a promise of safeguarding underpinning everything we do for all students.

In order to achieve the best academic progress the children must feel safe and well cared for.

Because our students are amongst the most vulnerable young people, we make a significant commitment to them and their parents and carers to keep them safe.

We also require our staff to make a significant commitment to ensure the health, safety and well-being of themselves, their colleagues and co-workers as well as visitors to the school, through risk assessment, individual plans and the use of standard operating procedures.

Abuse and exploitation

The term ‘safeguarding’ includes the hard edge of protecting both children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation. This involves preventative approaches to keep our students safe, and a prescribed response to any and all concerns about abuse, neglect or exploitation. We will always act on any concerns raised with us by students, parents or staff; all of our staff and volunteers are required to share this commitment as part of their induction and ongoing professional development.

To speak to a member of our Child Protection Team, please call Campus Reception on 01274 779662.

Safeguarding Policies

We try to create a proactive approach in school where safe and healthy choices and lifestyles are promoted and celebrated.

Our Policies page is where you’ll find all of our safeguarding policies – Child Protection and Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Understanding Behaviour and Anti-Bullying, Children with health needs who cannot attend school, Hygiene and Close Personal Care (incorporating Intimate Care), Looked After Children, Manual Handling, Relationships Sex and Health Education, Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions.

Extremism and Radicalisation

Anyone can be vulnerable to extremism and radicalisation, but children are particularly at risk. As they grow and become more independent, it is not unusual for them to take risks, explore new things and push boundaries. Teenage years are often a time when young people will be searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging, as well as looking for adventure and excitement. Extremist groups know young people are vulnerable and may claim to offer them answers, identity and a strong social network, and using the internet and social media to spread their ideology.

Schools have a part to play in keeping children safe from extremism and radicalisation. At our academy, this includes identifying any vulnerable people and safeguarding them from being drawn into terrorist activity. Referrals are made to the police where necessary for a preliminary assessment. This could lead to a multi-agency panel to support a vulnerable person and ensure their welfare. This works in a similar way to supporting individuals who may be at risk from drugs, knife or gun crime, or getting involved in gangs.

Learn more about the Government’s counter-terrorism programme:

Let’s Talk About It
Educate Against Hate

Other sources of information

FAST – Families Against Stress & Trauma