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Year 7

Learning Outcomes

  1. To know who can help them in school and where they are located in the building.
  2. To know they live in Bradford and what is special about where they live.
  3. To know that different buildings are special to different people.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In Key Stage 2 the students have learnt about people around them who they can ask for help. They have learnt about the different roles people have in supporting them and others. They are now ready to learn about the different new people in school, what their roles are and where in the building they work.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the different roles in school and where these people work in the building. They will learn how to find the people they need and know how to get around the building safely. They will learn how to ask for help with different concerns and know the correct person to ask to deal with the issues. As the students know all about the school and the school community they are ready to learn about the city their school is in.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students know the different roles in school and where these people work in the building and how to find the people they need. They know that different people deal with different issues. Students are familiar with the school and are ready to learn about the city their school is in.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students learn about the city of Bradford. They will learn this is where they live and have the ability to describe their local area and the people who impact on their lives in the community. This includes local sports teams, leaders in the community and places they visit: hospitals, theatre, shopping centres. This will lead onto the students being ready to learn about the special places in the community and who they are special to.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In the Spring term the students learnt about Bradford, key attractions and key people. They are now ready to learn about the different buildings that different people hold sacred, what their importance is and where they are.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the different sacred and religious buildings in the local area. They will learn how people have different special places and that worship does not only have to be religious. Students will learn that places can change and new buildings can replace old and the effect this has on the people who used/loved the building and what it meant to them. This leads on to the students learning about how people can impact on nature.

Year 8

Learning Outcomes

  1. To know the difference between landmarks and materials of natural or of human origin.
  2. To recognise the impact of climate change on the land and the sea.
  3. To know what caused the Titanic to sink and how this changed history.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In Year 7 Students learnt about the places of worship in their local area and why buildings are special to different people. They learnt that places can change and new buildings can replace old and the effect this has on the people who used/loved the building and what it meant to them. This leads on to the students learning about how people can impact on nature.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will now learn what landmarks of human origin are and what natural landmarks are. They will be able to give an opinion about what they like/dislike. They will be able to recognise materials of human origin and how the development of these over time has impacted on the planet. This will lead onto the students learning how humans have impacted on the land and the sea/oceans including the effects of climate change on the environment.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students know what landmarks of human origin are and what natural landmarks are. They know how to recognise materials of human origin and how the development of these over time has impacted on the planet. They are now ready to learn how humans can impact the land and the sea/oceans including the effects of climate change on the environment.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

The students are learning about the land and the sea. They will learn the names of the oceans and continents across the world and how man has impacted on these over time. They will learn about the impact of climate change on the sea and ice caps and glaciers. This will lead onto the students learning about how and why the Titanic sank when it hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

The students know the names of the oceans in the world. They have knowledge of how climate change has impacted on the seas due to global warming and the melting of the ice caps. They are now ready to learn about how a glacier caused the Titanic to sink and the impact of this disaster on the people of the time.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

The students learn about the sinking of the Titanic - how it happened and the reasons behind the disaster. They will learn about the human factors of the disaster as well as the geographical ones. They will gain knowledge of what changes have been made to minimise the risk of this happening again. This will lead on the students learning about how the Great Fire of London was caused and the impact on both lives and livelihoods.

Year 9

Learning Outcomes

  1. To know what caused the Great Fire of London and how we know the facts.
  2. To know when, where and how chocolate is made.
  3. To know the impact machines have on modern life.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

The students know how and why The Titanic sank. They have knowledge of the human factors of the disaster and social structure of the 1900s. This learning has prepared students to go further back in time to learn about how the Great Fire of London was caused, how we know the facts and the impact on both lives and livelihoods.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn how the fire started and what happened on the day and the following weeks in September 1666. They will learn how and why the Great Fire caused so much destruction. Students will learn about Samuel Pepys and how his diaries from 1666 helped us to know about the fire. Students will understand how we know about history from what has been written. They will learn that things they take for granted now are only available because of people in the past.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students know how the Great Fire of London started and the disastrous impact it had on people in 1666. They recognise this information is available from what was written at the time. They are now ready to learn that things they take for granted now are only available because of people in the past.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the history of chocolate. Where it came from and what it was used for in the past. They will learn how chocolate has developed over time from being very expensive and used for medicinal purposes to the treat we know today. They will learn how chocolate was made in the past and how it is made today in factories. This will lead on to the students being ready to learn how the introduction of factories and machinery changed Britain and the way people live and work.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt about the history of chocolate. Where it came from and what it was used for in the past. They have learnt how chocolate was made in the past and how it is made today in factories. The students are now ready to learn how the introduction of factories and machinery changed Britain and the way people live and work.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn why the industrial revolution had such an impact on the people of Britain. They will learn how the revolution changed the way people worked but also on the landscape. They will learn how significant people in history played a role in the development of mechanising products and the building of factories and mills.

This will lead on to further learning in Key Stage 4 around Careers and Independent Living. In Key Stage 4 the students will learn about people, places and work opportunities available in the local area due to the factories and mills being built during the industrial revolution.