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Year 7

In Year 7, RE is taught within Humanities.

Year 8

Learning Outcomes

  1. What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
  2. Students will know that every religion has a special book and some of the stories are the same.
  3. Students will know that different religions have different symbols/objects.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In Year 7 students learned about special people and places. They know how the people in their family and community are there to support and help them. This has prepared students to learn about what they can do to look after others and how looking after others also includes looking after their own belongings and those items that hold importance to themselves and others.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn the importance of looking after others and how they can do this. Students will learn how to support their peers and their families by helping out. They will also learn the importance of looking after their own belongings and how to be respectful to things that are important to other people in their lives. This will prepare the students to learn about sacred and special books in religions and the stories that are special across all faiths - The  Good Samaritan and Noah’s Ark are in the Quran, Bible and Torah.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students recognise the importance of looking after others and how they can do this. They have learned how to support their peers and their families by helping out. They also know the importance of looking after their own belongings and how to be respectful to things that are important to other people in their lives. This has prepared the students to learn about sacred and special books in religions and the stories that are special across all faiths - The Good Samaritan and Noah’s Ark are in the Quran, Bible and Torah.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

The students will learn about 3 religious books and the similarities in the stories. They will learn about how these books are respected and have meaning to the different religious groups. Students will learn that the story of the Good Samaritan and Noah’s Ark is in the Quran (Islam), the Bible (Christian) and the Torah (Judaism). Students will learn about the message that the stories bring to people and how these stories and messages have importance to the people who read them. Students will have learnt the similarities between the religious stories and that respecting items and people is the correct thing to do. Students will build on this knowledge to learn about how different religions have different symbols and objects that are special to them and need to be respected by everyone.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students know religious books are respected and have meaning to each different religions. Students have knowledge of the messages that the stories bring to people and how these have importance to the people who read them. Students recognise the similarities between the religious stories and that respecting items and people is the correct thing to do.This prepares the students to be ready to learn about how different religions have different symbols and objects that are special to them and need to be respected by everyone.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn the objects and symbols from the different religions in their local community. They will learn about the importance of the cross in Christianity, the moon in Islam and the 5K’s in Sikhism. They will learn where the symbols originated from and why they are important and need to be respected by the religious groups that believe in them. This will lead on to the students being ready to learn about how the different religions celebrate new life and the symbols and objects that are given/used in the different religious ceremonies.

Year 9

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will know how different religions celebrate birth.
  2. Students will recognise acts of kindness and be able to make links to what each religion teaches.
  3. Students will know that there are different celebrations in each religion.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

The objects and symbols from the different religions in their local community. They know the importance of the cross in Christianity, the moon in Islam and the 5K’s in Sikhism. They understand why they are important and need to be respected by religious groups. They are now ready to learn about how the different religions celebrate new life and the symbols and objects that are given/used in the different religious ceremonies.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the different ceremonies and celebrations that take place when a baby is expected and then is born. They will learn about the Christian, Sikh and Muslim birth rites and the similarities and the differences. They will develop an understanding of the choices people make about bringing a new life into families and how the arrival of a new baby impacts on them.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt about the different ceremonies and celebrations that take place when a baby is expected and then is born. They have an understanding of the choices people make to bring a new life into families and how the arrival of a new baby impacts them. This will prepare the students to be ready to learn about how to carry out acts of kindness towards others and how kindness is depicted in the different religions. They will learn how religion and kindness are linked.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what ‘to be kind' actually means and how to show this in actions and words. They will learn how the different religions show acts of kindness and how the different religions believe you show kindness not just to people but to all living things, including plants and animals. They will have an understanding of the different religious beliefs and how and why they show kindness. This will lead on to the students learning about how different religions celebrate events, which include acts of kindness, giving and sharing, and that these events are celebrated at different times in the year for different reasons.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt what ‘to be kind’ actually means and how to show this in actions and words. They have learnt how the different religions believe you show kindness not just to people but to all living things, including plants and animals. They now have an understanding of the different religious beliefs and how and why they show kindness. They are now ready to learn about how different religions celebrate events and that these events are celebrated at different times in the year for different reasons.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the different celebrations in the different religions, the time of the year that these are celebrated and the reasons behind these. They will learn about the celebrations that are happening around the world at the time that they happen using the religious calendar; Ascension Day, Pentecost, Vesak, Shavuot and Eid. Students will also learn about the celebrations that are important to them - end of year and moving on celebrations. This will prepare the students for moving onto Key Stage 4. They will have an understanding of the different religious celebrations and will be ready to learn about the different religious communities in Bradford.

Year 10

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know that there are a range of religious communities in Bradford.
  • Students will know that religious stories are depicted through the Arts.
  • Students will know how the 5 Pillars of Islam guide Muslims.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Last term students gained knowledge and understanding about different religious celebrations, the time of the year that these are celebrated and the reasons behind these. This has prepared the students to learn about the different religious communities in Bradford.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about their local area in relation to the different religious communities that make up Bradford. They will learn about the different sects of religion including the different forms of Christianity and Islam. They will learn about how diverse Bradford is and how people can live in peace and harmony. This will lead to students learn about how religion is depicted in art and how the different religions have different ways of expressing their beliefs through the artforms that everyone, no matter what religion, can appreciate and enjoy.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt about their local area in relation to the different religious communities that make up Bradford. They know that religions have different sects, how diverse Bradford is and that everyone has the right to be respected and live in peace and harmony. This has prepared the students to be ready to learn about how religion is depicted in art. They will learn how the different religions have different ways of expressing their beliefs through the artforms that everyone, no matter what religion, can appreciate and enjoy.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the range of artforms that are shown in religious buildings and in homes. Students will have opportunities to share their ideas and opinions in relation to artforms they like. They will show appreciation for religious art and understand the importance of art in all its forms to the different religious groups in Bradford. This will lead on to the students learning about the importance of the 5 pillars of Islam to Muslims and how this supports the way of life for the people who follow the religion of Islam.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt about the range of artforms that are shown in religious buildings and in homes. Students know how to share their ideas and opinions in relation to artforms they like and how to appreciate religious art. This has prepared the students to be ready to learn about the importance of the Five Pillars of Islam to Muslims and how this supports the way of life for the people who follow the religion of Islam.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what the Five Pillars of Islam are: Faith, Prayer, Giving, Fasting, Pilgrimage. They will learn how each of the Five Pillars are important to the way of life for the Muslim community. They will learn that each of the five pillars work in tandem with one another to bring the essence of Islam as a religion of peace into the lifestyle of every Muslim. This learning will prepare the students for moving into Year 11 and learning about how responsibilities change when they grow up and how to become a responsible member of the community.

Year 11

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will know how growing up and maturing brings responsibilities in the community.
  2. Students will know that different religions have different special journeys and places in the world.
  3. Students will know how to forgive others and how forgiveness impacts on them.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In the summer term of year 10 the students learnt what the 5 pillars of islam are: Faith, Prayer, Giving, Fasting, Pilgrimage. They know how each of the 5 pillars are important to the way of life of the Muslim community. They understand that each of the five pillars work in tandem with one another to bring the essence of Islam as a religion of peace into the lifestyle of every Muslim. This has prepared the students for learning about how responsibilities change when they grow up and how to become a responsible member of the community.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn what additional responsibilities they have as they grow up. They will learn about the expectations in society now they are maturing and how they can take on roles and responsibilities as they are becoming young adults. These may include supporting others including the young and the elderly and also having the maturity to make appropriate choices and go to new places and experience new things. This will enable the students to be ready to learn about the special places and journeys that different religious groups go to/take.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt the additional responsibilities they have now now they are growing up. They have learnt about the expectations in society now they are maturing and how they can take on roles and responsibilities as they are becoming young adults. They have an understanding of how to make appropriate choices about new places and new experiences. This has prepared the students to be ready to learn about the special places and journeys that different religious groups go to/take.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the specific places/buildings in the world that have religious/sacred meaning to the different religious groups. The students will learn what the word ‘pilgrimage’ means and how important pilgrimages are in all religions. They will learn why these places and pilgrimages are special and why people try to go.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learnt about the specific places/buildings in the world that have religious/sacred meaning to the different religious groups. They have learnt why these places and pilgrimages are special and why people try to go to these at least once in their lives. This has prepared the students to be ready to learn about forgiveness and why all religions believe forgiveness is key to their teachings.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn the true meaning of the word ‘forgiveness’. They will learn that all religions teach forgiveness and that to forgive someone is an act of love. Students will learn how to forgive each other and how they make everyone feel. Students will learn that it is sometimes hard to forgive and that the teachings in religion can help us when we feel unable to forgive someone or something. This learning will support the students in their continuing learning journey in Key Stage 5 to become healthy and happy adults with the skills to forgive others actions and words.